This house is located in one of the most visible spots of the city.
Angonate House is located in one of the most visible spots of the city. Hanko brother’s built this house in 1881.
The Hankos played an important role in the history of the city. Ismail kadare has written in 1977 “Breznite e Hankonateve” a book about their saga. In fact its not a simply house, but a complex of two houses and two yards. This is the only complex of this size in Gjirokastra.
Odajashta is the name of the first building, (the outer room) while the other building;s name is oda, with big decorated rooms.
This house reflects the changed in architecture of houses in the end of 19th century, since there are some added elements such as balcony and the mansard roof in the central part, symbols of new influences in building the houses at the time.